Brigid Daull Brockway is technically a writer

Brigid Daull Brockway is technically a writer

A blog about words, wordplay, and etymology, with slightly more than occasional political rants.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I think I was about six years old when I figured out I was white. I knew that black and white existed, but it didn't occur to me that it had anything to do with skin color - after all, I'd never met anybody with black or white skin, only shades of peach and brown. 
Yesterday I heard an interview with a dude named Guy P Harrison, who wrote the book  Race and Reality: What Everyone Should Know About Our Biological Diversity. He said that when Irish immigrants first came to America, they weren't designated as white. They weren't good enough to be white. So that explains that.
The interview was pretty lengthy and it really gave me a lot to think about. I'd like to actually read the book before I talk much about it, but he says there's no such thing as race, scientifically speaking, and the differences we perceive between the races are due more to society than biology. 

1 comment:

Lisa said...

If only more people realized this!! The only close parallel you can draw is different breeds of animals. While certain breeds may be more disposed towards certain ailments, that's about the only biological difference between them and 98% of the population are mutts anyway. As cliche at it may be, it truly is only skin deep. (and really not even all the skin...just the first layer or two!)

Your blog is great for adding to my reading list. Thanks! :)
